Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)

a a a VEER WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1929 PAGE 72A Jamboree Nov. 11 At Roodhouse jamboree that was postponed from Halloween night until later will be Monday Nov. 11, the evening after the (notball game with White Fall. and Mra, Joseph Amith wore viaitors in St. Louls Sunday.

Lee and Loren Taylor went to the Missiasippi botions Saturday and returned Monday evening: from a hunting trip, having bagged 35 ducks. Paul Helm of Normal spent the week end with parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs.

Anna Alred of Manchester is visiting in the of her daughter, Mra, H. Allen. and Mrn. Charles Ult and daughter, Edna, of Jerseyvilir, and Miss Helen Utt of Wood River' were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrn.

Wesley Utt. Edward of Sinter, Ar-! rived Saturday to spend a few days In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Urban Andrewa. Mr.

and Mrs. William Turney and son, Harry, of Winchester called on Mr. and Mrs. George Cooley Sunday evening. Mrs.

Robert Lewis was A Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Taylor and family In. Wood River. Charics Greenwait Jerseyville was a vinitor in the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Palmer McCracken Sunday eve-: Mayor end Mri, H. C. Worcester are visiting for few daya: in the ton. home of their son, Richard at Mr and Mrs D.

H. Hart had Sunday dinner with their daughter, Mrs. Ray and family, In the afternoon they all went to Carrollton and culled on Mrs. Etta Doughty who 14 111 there. Mrs.

Ira Rawlins spent the day Sunday with Flal Walton and family in Pearl. Mr. and Mr. Lee Husted and famIly of uto and Mr. And Mrs.

Guy Hust.or and family of Virginia were Sunday 13 of Mrn. brill Busted: Mr. And Mr. Albert Dean spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

Jess Barnes In Carol.ton. They left their daughtor. Myra, visit until day when Mrs. Barnes is coming here to apend the wok with her parents. Coach Keasle Is much Improved at the Jollet hos paltal, and will probably return to Roodhouse Friday.

CAMDEhump. Dog Flyer Zinn claims to have the champion dog in the United Biates. King Kokoloin is the dog's name, and 14 is eight months old. dog has flown more than 1000 miles with Zinn and 19 50 ar-minded that he makes his home in nne of the hangars at Central Airport, Needs False Courage Lady: If you must beg I should think you might, at least, stay sober. Tramp: Can't be done, When I'm sober I'm ashamed to beg.

-Parking Show. Read Telegraph Classified Ads Daily Garden Theater Manager Speaks At Edward- ville EDWARDSVILLE--Manager (ireig the the Garden theater the of Mondas St. fouls Club WAS speaker for at Its November meeting Monday afternoon in the Masonie temple. Mr. Greg spoke oh the organization of Community theater in St.

1.:: This 1s being attempted. Mrs. Alfred Kinkead of Hit born, a pupil of Madame Schuman Heink. sang several vocal, selections. Miss Veva June this ell; played A violin solo.

The next meeting of the club will be held on the firat Monday In cember. -Social Musicale The Dorcas Society of the Immanuel Church presented program at the church evening. Mustclans from varlous churches In the city rendered selections. The program follows: Orel gan solo, the Rev. H.

J. Bredchoeft; reading, Miss Alma Paust; piano solo, Mrs. Alvin C. Bohm; vocal solo, Mrs. C.

W. Meyer; saxophone solo, Howard Vorwald; reading, Miss Dc Vera Rotman; plano solo, Mrs. M. L. Burroughs; vocal solo.

Miss Edna rem; organ solo, Joseph Hotz; vocal duct. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wilsop; violin solo, Misg Veva June Appel; offeratory, Mrs.

Elmer Kriege; selecLions, Immanuel male quartette. Give Bridge Dinner and Mrs. Florian Trares entertained the members of their club at 7 o'clock bridge dinner At their home on Vandalia atreet, Monuny evening. tables and prizes were Awarded to Mrs. Edward Ferguson, Mrs.

Wayne Cox, Wilbur Trares, and Harold Osborne. Church Social Notes The Women's Foreign Missionary: Society of the Immanuel Church met afternoon at the church. Reporta the convention held recently at Brighton were given. The Amoma Class of the First Baptist church Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Fred Ohm.

Mrs. Charles Sido and Mrs. Fred Ohm were hostesses. The Woman's Foreign Miasionary Society of St. John's M.

E. Church held its regular monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon home of Mrs. A. A. Moore on Kansas street.

Mra. Frank Gillig, Mrs. Amelia Gersti, Mra, Thomas Halley, Mrs. George Gillig, Mrs. Johannah Hartung, Mrs.

Val Gillig, Mra. Charles Grill and Mrs. Edward entertained at cards at the Boniface Hall this afternoon. Personal Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Landwchr. formerly 'of this city, are now residIng In East St. Louls. Mrs. wehr was recently transferred to the East St.

Louis office of the Illinois Light Power Co. T. M. hag returned from a business trip to Washington, D. C.

John Wetzel and Harold Holtman have returned from' a trip of several weeks in southern Missouri. Mrs. Florence Simmons of Portland, is making 811 extended visit with her sisters, Miss Mabel and Miss Grace Hall. All sums of $100 and under, cash; TERMS above ance that. regular 40 per monthly cent payments.

cash-bal-' 4 An Innovation in Automobile Merchandising AUCTION SALE The Greatest Used Car Sale Ever Held in Alton Due to the tremendous sale of new DODGE CARS AND TRUCKS we find ourselves overstocked on used cars and trucks and are offering them to the public at what they. care to pay for them. 55 Aut Automobiles Trucks 55 Sale to be held at our used car Department, 1020 Broadway, Alton, Ill. Thrown on the market to be sold under the hammer to the highest bidders. Be Sure To Attend THURSDAY Evening Almost any make will be offered, the price has been forgotten, each car-has been numbered on the wind-shield with a plain white figure.

Come in, select your car, try it out, remember the number and ask to have it offered the day of the sale. NO NOVEMBER 7, 1929 Sale Starts 7 p. or Shine Cars and Trucks will be offered and inasmuch as space will not permit us to list each one separately, we are listing makes only. FORD TRUCKS BUICKS ESSEXS PLYMOUTHS CHEVROLETS PONTIACS PACKARD FORDS DODGES, 4. and 6s STAR STUDEBAKER We want you to know that you can buy at this auction sale with the same assurance of lasting satisfaction that you would have buying at private sale.

These cars are now on display, and don't forget to come in and look them over, and don't forget the date NOVEMBER 7TH, 1929; BEGINNING AT 7:00 P. M. HOEFERT BROS. 1020 BROADWAY DODGE DEALERS LALION EVENING Personal Notes from Nearby Towns Mollie Knapp of Stewart Manor, N. who 15 visiting Mrs.

Rose Ulrich, is spendIng several days in St. Louis. Frank Powers and 'Miss Letitia Freiman were Alton visitors 8unday, Marty Arnold has been a patient St. Joseph's Hospital at Alton al the past. week.

Mrs. Alice Redd spent Monday in Alton. Pierre Humngton of St. Louls 15 visiting his mother, Mrs. J.

B. Crull. Miss Freda spent the Schroeder and -end with Glenna Simpson Godfrey relatives. Mrs. Kate Kipp of Alton 15 VE- ing her sister, Mrs.

Willtam man. Mr. and Airs. William Tucker his returned from a visit in St. Charles, with Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.

Paul ef Alton with Mr. and spent the wrek-end Mrs. 1. P'ohlman. Lawrence Keller has ELSAJI.

Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, been cuterlamine Knoblock Edna from Gibson and daughter, Quinry. I Mrs. Springfield spent the Miriam.

of with Mrs. Gibson's week -end parents. R. Legate went Mr. and Mrs.

to altend Mrs. to Alton Sunday Lulu Simpson's H. Harris 15 recovering funeral. Mrs. had in her yard Satfrom 8 tall she urday.

went to St I Mrs. J. C. McDanuls Louis for a few Falkner returned 10 days Sunday. Mrs.

Alton Monday after Howard her home 111 few days with her parents, spending Mr. A and Mrs. Ilenry Rister. Wolpert And 8011, Mrs. returned Esther to St.

Louis Jack, three weeks here day after spending who is 111. with her Chas. Judson have father Mr. and where Mr. JudMrs.

left for Loanir, son has employment. 3 CHAFING Even in most aggravated canes, follows the healing touch of comfort Resinol A ALTON DAY GROCERY C. Prices Same at All Stores We Give Merchants' Gift Campaign Coupons SUGAR CURED SMOKED SKINNED HAMS Whole or Half lb. HOME MADE Sirloin Steak, 1b. 25c PORK Fresh Pig Feet 7c SAUSAGE Ib.

Veal Shoulders, 1b. 15c (In Bulk) Fresh Pork Veal Breasts, lb. 15c Hams lb. Veal Chops, 1b. 19c Lean Pork Steaks, lb.

25c All Surplus Fat and Skin Removed Smoked California FRESH Calla PORK style, pound SHOULDER- 15c Hams 1b. BEEF Pound SHOULDER OR ARM ROAST- 22c KETTLE RENDERED GOOD Pound CUTS CHUCK ROAST- 22c Lard Ib. FRESHLY Pound GROUND HAMBURGER- PORK CHOPS 1b FLOUR SALE FLOUR NOONDAY C. W. FLOUR Aristos or Gold 24 1b.

79c 24 lb. 89c Medal, 24 1b sack 99c 48 1b. $1.58 48 1b. $1.78 48 1b. $1.98 98 1b.

$3.15 98 1b. $3.55 98 1b. $3.98 BUTTER C. W. Pure Creamery lb.

RED RIVER OHIO OR COBBLER Potatoes peck SOAP 2-Bushel Bag $3.35 10 Bars SUGAR Pure Cane 10 lbs. Per 100 Pounds $5.75 Income Hen Feed, 100 Pound Bag $2.48 Holland Seed Cabbage, per 100 pounds $1.50 16750 WITH LOW ABOUT A TUBES HOME PRICES AND MAJESTIC SPEAKER DEMONSTRATION COMPLETE $13750 Member Alton Merchants' C. J. Open SATURDAY Gift Campaign JACOBY CO. and MONDAY Evenings PHONE 744 for Appointment Other Evenings..

Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)


What are some fun facts about Alton Illinois? ›

It was the site of the last Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas debate in October 1858. The former state penitentiary in Alton was used during the Civil War to hold up to 12,000 Confederate prisoners of war. Also, the tallest man in history, Robert Wadlow, was born and raised in Alton.

Where is the Alton Telegraph? ›

Driving directions to Alton Telegraph, 219 Piasa St, Alton - Waze.

Who is the tallest man in Alton Illinois? ›

In 1918, Alton became the famous birthplace of Robert Wadlow, "The Gentle Giant." Born a normal eight pounds in 1918, Wadlow suffered from a pituitary gland problem. He was almost nine feet tall and 500 pounds when he died of complications from a foot infection at age 22.

What is the race population in Alton Illinois? ›

Race and Ethnicity

In 2022, there were 2.65 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (16.7k people) in Alton, IL than any other race or ethnicity. There were 6.31k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 1.62k Two+ (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

Who owns Alton Telegraph? ›

The Telegraph is owned by Hearst Newspapers, a company with more than 4,000 employees spread across 24 dailies and 64 weeklies across the nation.

How do I cancel the Alton Telegraph? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling 618-463-2500 or by visiting With EZPay, you authorize The Telegraph to automatically charge my payment method on a recurring basis at the introductory and other rates indicated, subject to future price increases.

Is Alton Illinois north or south? ›

Alton, city, Madison county, southwestern Illinois, U.S. Part of the St. Louis, Missouri, metropolitan area, Alton lies on the Mississippi River (bridged) near its confluence with the Missouri River.

What are some Illinois fun facts? ›

Chicago's Mercy Hospital was the first hospital opened in Illinois. Chicago's O'Hare International Airport is the busiest airport in the world. A plane takes off or lands there every 23 seconds. The Chicago Public Library is the world's largest public library with a collection of more than 2 million books.

What are two facts about Alton Brown? ›

He is the creator and host of the Food Network television show Good Eats that ran for 16 seasons, host of the miniseries Feasting on Asphalt and Feasting on Waves, and host and main commentator on Iron Chef America and Cutthroat Kitchen. Brown is a best-selling author of several books on food and cooking.

What is the mythical creature in Alton Illinois? ›

Piasa bird, mythical monster depicted in a painting on a cliff overlooking the Mississippi River north of Alton, Illinois, U.S.

What is a fact about Alton Towers? ›

In its heyday (1850's) Alton Towers was one of the largest privately owned houses in Europe and when the 16th Earl, John Talbot was planning to alter the dining room, Augustus Welby Pugin persuaded him not to compromise on the design, including the installation of a hugely impressive bay window.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

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Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.