Luke 20 Enduring Word (2024)

1. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Luke Chapter 20

  • i. This parable tells us that God, the owner of all, that He is more patient with rebels than we would ever be, and that there will be a final day of reckoning.

  • David Guzik commentary on Luke 20, where the religious leaders question the authority of Jesus, who answers their questions.

2. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Luke 20:1-26 – Witness of Wisdom

  • David Guzik Sermon on Luke 20:1-26 - Witness of Wisdom.

  • David Guzik Sermon on Luke 20:1-26 - Witness of Wisdom

3. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Luke Media

  • The Feeding of the Five Thousand – Luke 9 · Witness of His Return – Luke 12:35-59 · How to be His Disciple – Luke 14:25-15:1 · The Most ...

  • David Guzik Sermons on the Gospel of Luke

4. Luke 20:27-21:4 – Witness of the Widow - Enduring Word

  • David Guzik Sermon on Luke 20:27-21:4 - Witness of the Widow.

  • David Guzik Sermon on Luke 20:27-21:4 - Witness of the Widow

5. Commentary on Luke 20 by Matthew Henry - Blue Letter Bible

  • The word of God hath said it, that the stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner." The Lord Jesus will be exalted to the Father's right ...

  • Matthew Henry :: Commentary on Luke 20

6. Luke 6:20-30 – Witness of the Kingdom (Part 1) - Enduring Word

  • David Guzik Sermon on Luke 6:20-30 - Witness of the Kingdom (Part 1)

7. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Luke

8. Print Commentary on the Gospel of Luke – David Guzik - Enduring Word

  • In this commentary, Pastor David explains and applies the book of Luke chapter by chapter, verse by verse. Enduring Word Media is distributing our verse by ...

  • In this commentary, Pastor David Guzik explains and applies the Gospel of Luke chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse. David’s Bible commentaries have enjoyed critical acclaim and wide use on the Internet. Enjoy this trusted and respected commentary in print, or on Kindle.

9. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Luke 17:20-37 – Witness of Lot's Wife

  • David Guzik Sermon on Luke 17:20-37 - Witness of Lot's Wife.

  • David Guzik Sermon on Luke 17:20-37 - Witness of Lot's Wife

10. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Matthew Chapter 20

  • “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. Now when he had agreed with the laborers for ...

  • David Guzik commentary on Matthew 20, where Jesus continues His teaching ministry by teaching on grace, greatness, and service.

11. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Revelation Chapter 20

  • set a seal on him: Satan tried to imprison Jesus in a tomb, but couldn't. Here, God has no problem restraining Satan, and this incarceration is not for ...

  • David Guzik commentary on Revelation 20, where the Saints rain for a thousand years, after which the final battle takes place.

12. Enduring Word Luke 20

  • Enduring Word Luke 20. The world jesus was born into. Those who from the beginning were undoubtedly the apostles, who were with jesus from the very start.

  • Enduring Word Luke 20

13. Luke - Comentário Bíblico Enduring Word - Bible Commentaries

  • We do not find anything of the special vocation of Paul in the Gospel of Luke, neither of the believer's position in Christ nor of the mystery about Christ and ...

  • Choose from the available chapters in the 'Luke' of the 'Comentário Bíblico Enduring Word' commentary FREELY provided by to help as you prepare sermons, Bible studies, Sunday School lessons or personal devotions.

14. Luke 20 Guzik Bible Commentary

  • ◅ Luke 20 ▻. Guzik Bible Commentary. Our Permissions for the Guzik / Enduring Word Commentary have expired. The Commentary is available at .

  • Guzik Bible Commentary

15. Acts 1 – Jesus Ascends to Heaven, A New Apostle Chosen - Enduring Word

  • b. Theophilus: This man might have been a Christian wanting instruction. He might have been a Roman official being briefed by Luke about the history of the ...

  • David Guzik commentary on Acts 1 describes the ascension of Jesus into heaven and the appointing of Matthias as a replacement for Judas.

16. What does Luke chapter 20 mean? -

  • Bevat niet: enduring | Resultaten tonen met:enduring

  • What does Luke chapter 20 mean? How should I understand Luke chapter 20? How does Luke chapter 20 fit with the surrounding context?

17. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Video

  • Geplaatst: 14 apr 2016

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18. Luke 20 Commentary - Precept Austin

  • 31 mei 2024 · In Scripture to teach means to pass on the truth about the Word of God, the God of the Word and the faith of the saints, with the goal of ...


19. Enduring Word Bible Commentary John Chapter 1

  • b. There are significant events in the ministry of Jesus that Matthew, Mark, and Luke all include yet John leaves out, including: · Jesus' birth ...

  • David Guzik commentary on John1 gives a prologue to the Gospel of John,the testimony of John the Baptist on Jesus , and an account of the first disciples.

20. The Gospel of Luke – Enduring Word Media Server - Luke 6:20-30

  • Listen to The Gospel of Luke – Enduring Word Media Server - Luke 6:20-30 – Witness of the Kingdom (Part 1) by David Guzik on Podcast Addict.

  • Listen to The Gospel of Luke – Enduring Word Media Server - Luke 6:20-30 – Witness of the Kingdom (Part 1) by David Guzik on Podcast Addict.

21. Luke 20:1-26 – Witness of Wisdom - Enduring Word Media Server

  • 9 feb 2017 · Want to join the discussion? Feel free to contribute! Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Your email address will not be ...

22. The Gospel of Luke – Enduring Word Media Server Podcast - Podbean

  • The Gospel of Luke – Enduring Word Media Server ; 3, Luke 23:32-56 – Witness of the Thief on the Cross 2017-02-16, Play ; 4, Luke 23:1-31 – Witness of Pontius ...

  • Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word

23. Luke 20:47 - Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary -

  • But He added, "You should be rendering unto God the things that are God's." And they could not take hold of his words before the people: and they marveled at ...

  • Luke 20:47 - who devour widows' houses, and for appearance's sake offer long prayers. These will receive all the more condemnation.' on

Luke 20 Enduring Word (2024)


What does Luke chapter 20 teach us? ›

Jesus teaches about the resurrection. The Sadducees, who say that there is no resurrection, try to find fault in Jesus' teaching. Answering them, the Lord Jesus teaches that God is not the God of the dead but of the living and the sons of the resurrection do not marry but are like angels.

What is the meaning of Luke 20 34? ›

Luke 20:34-38 recorded a spiritual perspective that God has toward some people who will share in a heavenly resurrection as spirit beings with no marriage opportunities. Whereas in the other resurrection, other good people will live on earth forever and enjoy family life.

What is the meaning of Luke 20 9 18? ›

Luke 20:9–18 records Jesus' response to religious leaders who challenged His authority (Luke 20:1–8). This comes in the form of the parable of the wicked tenants. The underlying meaning is that as the Son of God, Jesus has proper authority over religious leaders.

What is the meaning of Luke 20 27 40? ›

This passage reminds us that when we pass on, we do not retain our qualities and it is usually left unknown what happens when we die. God in the heavens. This passage also teaches us to never question the Lord, for the human mind cannot fathom some of the Lord's wisdom.

What two important things does Luke's story tell us about Jesus? ›

Luke depicts Jesus in his short-lived ministry as deeply compassionate — caring for the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalized of that culture, such as Samaritans, Gentiles, and women. Whereas Matthew traces Jesus' genealogy to Abraham, father of the Jewish people, Luke goes back to Adam, parent of us all.

What is the main message in Luke? ›

A major theme in Luke's Gospel is God's care for people who were seen as insignificant in the society of his day. Specifically, this referred to women, children, the poor, and disreputable “sinners”. Luke thus gives a prominent place to women in his gospel (1:5-2:52; 7:36-50; 8:1-4; 10:38-42; 15:8-10).

What does Luke 20 say about marriage? ›

Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. 9 But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

What does Luke 20 verse 35 mean? ›

Jesus explains that the woman won't be anyone's wife after resurrection. Neither will the men be anyone's husband. There is no marriage in the resurrection. The meaning and purpose of marriage are applied in earthly life, not in eternity.

What is the meaning of Luke 20 36? ›

Here, Jesus is saying the resurrected will prove to be sons of God because they will live for eternity and have a different relationship with others—one not based on marriage and marriageability.

What does the parable of the tenants in Luke 20 mean? ›

The parable implies that they are warring against God, refusing to return what is due to God. The “beloved son” of the parable represents Jesus, who is also called “beloved” in Luke 3:22.

What does luke 20/25 mean? ›

This is Jesus' response to a trick question posed on behalf of His enemies. They hope to force Jesus into one of two mistakes: to alienate the common people by endorsing the hated Roman empire, or to violate Roman law and subject Himself to arrest.

What does Luke 20 19 26 mean? ›

Luke 20:19–26 continues a long discussion about authority. Chief priests and Old Testament lawyers try to force Jesus into a difficult choice: follow unpopular Roman law or show rebellious loyalty to the Jewish nation.

What does Luke 20 45 47 mean? ›

Luke 20:45–47 Teaches against religious leaders' lack of integrity. Jesus is clearly, in a very sobering way for any church leader, pronouncing condemnation upon those who lead without humility, or authenticity, or integrity, or justice.

What is the meaning of Luke 20 41 47? ›

Jesus condemned the whole honour-based system. Disciples were to avoid all such aspirations and to consider themselves as the least of all. Among his accusations Jesus listed their devouring of widows' homes, without further explanation.

What can we learn from Luke 20? ›

Luke 20 is a chiasm about authority. Jesus has entered Jerusalem and cleansed the temple (Luke 19:28–46). Now, the priests and teachers attack Jesus' authority in religion, law, and doctrine; Jesus defends Himself and shows their sinful lifestyles disqualify them for authority.

What moral lessons can we learn from Luke? ›

Luke reveals that God is no respecter of persons; He opened His heart to the needy through the kingdom ministry of His Son. The Son of Man who heals the sick, raises the dead and calls the prodigal back is also the transcendent God who calls all people to Himself in salvation.

What is the reflection of Luke 20 20? ›

Jesus has told a parable which local religious leaders rightly interpret as a warning directed at themselves: He is the Son of God and if they kill Him, God will destroy them. They become so angry that they try harder to kill Him.

What can we learn from Luke 2 10? ›

Luke 2:10 Is an account of Good News of Great Joy

And Jesus, you've died for them. You came to bring great joy to them. So God, we pray, help us to share this good news of great joy with them.

What do the parables in Luke teach us? ›

The message of these parables seems to be the following: whatever we do or care about in this world, we cannot suppress God's grace and presence or his justice.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.