My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (2024)

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My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (1)

A new edition ofLa Noche de los Museos - Museum Night 2023, the biggest cultural event of the year, will take place in Buenos Aires onSaturday,September 23rd, 2023, from 7 PM until 2 AM.

Every year since 2004, one Saturday night the museums in the city stay open all night offering different cultural activities,all of them free of charge, in the same way as in other 130 cities around the world.

Over 290 museums, cultural centers and art spaces all across the city will be participating in this edition. During this special night visitors will be able to enjoy numerous free guided visits, special exhibitions, as well as conferences, shows, theater performances, dance, screenings, video, multimedia, and diverse concerts of classical music, jazz, tango, folk, and rock.

There will be numerous activities specially organized for kids, like workshops, guided visits, plays, performances, concerts, and much more.

Buses and Subte lines will offer free rides during the night, presenting the Free Pass that can be downloaded through the city app BOTI.

Mor more information and complete program through these links (in Spanish only):

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (2)

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (3)

ArtPast Events 2023

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (4)

On Saturday the 20th and Sunday the 21st of May, 2023, the City of Buenos Aires launches "El Finde del Turismo" (“The Tourism Weekend”). During these two days, tourists and residents will be able to enjoy numerous attractions in Buenos Aires, with discounts and promotions at restaurants and bars, live music shows and guided tours. During the weekend all subway lines will be free from 7:00 pm until the last service.

Guided tours and theatrical visits
There will be circuits around the city dedicated to the Soccer Stars; dramatized visits to learn about the mysteries of Argentine fashion, tango and other arts; as well as historical circuits to recreate customs and ideals of the characters who traveled through the City at the most relevant moments. of the country's past.

Patios and rooftops of Buenos Aires
All weekend, the patios, rooftops and markets that joined the Tourism Weekend will offer benefits on the menu and discounts to eat and buy products. In some of them there will be artistic performances. Added to the proposal is the Mirador Plaza de Mayo (8th floor of Pasaje Roverano) which will have extended hours from 3 pm to 8 pm at a cost of AR$2,800 per person for the guided tour + special menu. Reservations are made through the Instagram account @rooftopplazademayo.
From 4 to 8 pm, Olympo Sky Bar (Av. Corrientes 1464, 31st floor) will offer brunch (coffee or juice or drink with croissant, cheese scone, square of cake) for a value of AR$3,000. In addition, from 6 pm to 8 pm, the after office menu will be offered (duo of meat empanadas or baskets of French fries or spinach croquettes for AR$2,000, option with vermouth or gin and tonic for AR$3,000). These proposals will be accompanied by music. More information at

Notable Bars
Notable adhered bars will offer special benefits, and in some of them there will be surprise artistic performances: Café Margot (Av. Boedo 857), Bar el federal (Carlos Calvo 599), Bar de CAO (Av. Independencia 2400), Café la Poesía (Chile 502), Bar la Biela (Av. Presidente Manuel Quintana 596), El viejo Buzón (Neuquén 1100), Celta bar (Sarmiento 1701), Café Cortazar (José A. Cabrera 3797), Rotisserie/bar Miramar (Av San Juan 1999), Confitería las violetas (Av. Rivadavia 3899), La Puerto Rico (Adolfo Alsina 416), Bar Cabildo de Buenos Aires (Perú 86), La Giralda (Av. Corrientes 1453), Café La Ópera (Av. Corrientes 1799), Bar La ideal (Suipacha 384), Bar “12 de octubre” (El Boliche de Roberto) (Bulnes 331), Bar “Los Laureles” (Av. Gral. Tomás de Iriarte 2290).

Musical shows and immersive experiences
Cumbia show: On Saturday, May 20th, at Av. del Libertador & Austria (Recoleta), visitors will be able to enjoy two bands, in a free outdoor event. First, from 9 pm to 9:30 pm, the group Villa Diamante will be presented. And from 9:30 pm to 10:15 pm, it will be the turn of Grupo Play.
Mapping show "World Champions": On Sunday May 21st, at Bolivar 1 (Monserrat) from 8:00 pm, an impressive show of lights and music will showcase the excitement of the World Cup celebrations for Argentina World Champion Qatar 2022. There will be three free performances: at 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm, and 10:00 pm.

1st Rowing Regatta in the Riachuelo
On Sunday 21st, from 9 am to 1 pm, the rowing regatta will take place in the Riachuelo (La Boca). This is a free event with the participation of coxed pair boats, on a 5600 meter course, from Vuelta de Rocha to Pueyrredón Bridge and back. It can be seen from the Riachuelo boulevard in La Boca.

Disney 100 years
All weekend, from 10 am to 8 pm, the photographic and sketch exhibition "Disney 100 Years" will be available, dedicated to the inspiring research trip that Walt Disney made along with a select group of artists through Latin America in 1941. The exhibit, organized by ArtexArte, will be at Lavalleja 1062 (Villa Crespo) with free admission. Free entrance tickets must be reserved at

For more information and interactive maps for these and many other activities, visit El Finde del Turismo official website (available in Spanish only).

ArtConcertsPast Events 2023

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (5)
Colon Fabrica

The Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires presents the 18th Edition of La Noche de los Museos - Museum Night 2022, the biggest cultural event of the year, that will take place on Saturday, October 22nd, 2022, from 7 PM until 2 AM.

Every year since 2004, one Saturday night the museums of Buenos Aires stay open all night offering different cultural activities, all of them free of charge, in the same way as in other 130 cities around the world.

Over 230 museums and art spaces all across the city will be participating in this edition. During this special night visitors will be able to enjoy free guided visits, special exhibitions, as well as conferences, shows, theater performances, dance, screenings, video, multimedia, and diverse concerts of classical music, jazz, tango, folk, and rock.

There will be numerous activities specially organized for kids, like workshops, guided visits, plays, performances, concerts, and much more.

Buses and Subte lines will offer free rides during the night, presenting the Free Pass that can be downloaded through the city app BOTI.

Mor more information and complete program through this link (in Spanish only).

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (6)
Casa de la Cultura

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (7)

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (8)

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (9)
Palacio Legislativo

ArtPast Events 2022

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (10)

Imagine Van Gogh, the first of the Van Gogh immersive exhibitions to arrive in Argentina, will open its doors at La Rural on February 16th, 2022.

Imagine Van Gogh is the Original Immersive Exhibition of the genius of painting Vincent Van Gogh.Created by Annabelle Mauger and Julien Baron, the exhibition features more than 200 works bythe celebrated painter, presented in Total Image©, an advanced technology created in 1977 byFrench photographer and filmmaker, Albert Plécy, and developed by Annabelle Mauger.

Imagine Van Gogh invites visitors to literally enter the world and the works that the Dutch geniuscreated during the last two years of his life, between 1888 when he moved to Arles in the south ofFrance, until his death in Auvers-sur-Oise in 1890. In the exhibition, the public will be able toadmire The Starry Night, The Sunflowers, The Irises, or let themselves be carried away by theintimacy of his Bedroom in Arles.

Visitors will walk through the exhibition in total darkness, illuminated only by giant projections ofthe artist's most famous paintings, accompanied by the music of the great composers SaintSaëns, Mozart, Bach, Delibes and Satie.

Total Image© technology brings an innovative dimension to the concept of artistic exhibition andrevolutionizes the encounter between creator, works of art and public. Total Image© is the originaltechnology used in immersive art exhibitions, absorbing viewers to the point where they canliterally walk inside the images, allowing them to experience the emotional depth of the artwork ina much more personal and ethereal way, to feel more deeply connected to the artist.

The 200 paintings featured inthe exhibition are part of prestigious museum collections such as the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, theNational Gallery of Art in London, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the Museum of ModernArt and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

Venue: La Rural, Predio Ferial de Buenos Aires. Frers Pavilion. Santa Fe Av. 4363.

Official website:

Entry fees:

General adults: AR$ 3.000.

General children under 12: AR$ 2.000.

Family pack (2 adults + 2 children under 12): AR$ 8.000.

Infants under 3: free

ArtExhibitionsPast Events 2022

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (11)
Teatro Colón

One of the things that have always characterized the city of Buenos Aires, which draws millions of people from all around the world, is its endless offer of cultural activities.

Unfortunately the COVID-19 pandemic is keeping us all at home and international travelers can't have the chance to visit our beautiful country for now, but we can still enjoy the Argentine culture from home. I have complied a few of the available options below:

Every Sunday at 8:00 PM (Buenos Aires time) the prestigious Teatro Colón broadcasts some of its past fantastic productions for free to the world through its website and social media:

2. COMPARTIR CULTURA (Sharing Culture)

This platform, created by the National Ministry of Culture, presents the full audio and visual content produced by this Ministry, offering in one single site the best of the cultural and artistic expressions in our country: movies, theater, music, visual arts, literature, all in one easy access platform:

3. CULTURA EN CASA (Culture at home)
This initiative of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires presents all the digital contents from the Ministry of Culture of the city, from theater plays, to workshops, virtual tours, music shows, concerts, audiobooks, movies, series and tutorials. All the contents are updated every day:

Explore the digital collection of the The Fine Arts Museum, with more than 2500 works, with high definition images, audios, and suggested tours.

Through its YouTube channel, the Museum presents a series of interviews to great artists that have had a great impact in the visual history of our country:Julio Le Parc, Juan Carlos Distéfano, Norberto Gómez, Sara Facio, Marie Orensanz, César Paternosto, Eduardo Stupía, Delia Cancela, Manuela Rasjido and Roberto Jacoby.

6. MALBA Virtual

While we stay at home, Malba Museum offers a series of online proposals to bring the Museum to your own home, including virtual guided visits, movies, talks, classes, interviews:


Proa Foundation offers a wide variety of virtual tours, activities, conferences, and multimedia content available online:

You can tour numerous exhibitions through a very comprehensive section of Audio guides

At their YouTube channel you can see their historical exhibitions, accompanied by the orientation of their art guides:

Discover some astonishing videos featuring some of the wonderful landscapes Argentina has to offer:


My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (12)

The next edition ofGallery Night,the original circuit for art lovers around more than 30 art galleries, museums and cultural centers, will be held onFriday, October 4th, 2019, from6pm to 9 pm, in the neighborhoods ofRetiro, Barrio Norte and Recoleta.


CHECK POINTS:At the following Check Points visitors can get their sticker tags to gain free entrance at the participating art spaces:

* Bresson Art Gallery – Av. Callao 1880.
* Talenta Galería – San Martín 1109
* Los Coleccionistas – Libertad 978.

GALLERY TOURS:These are the free guided visits that will be available, lead by a specialist in History of Arts, all starting at 6.00 pm at the following starting points:

*Casa de Entre Ríos (Suipacha 844). Visiting:Talenta Galería, Aldo de Sousa, Zurbarán, Tango Espacio de Arte
*Bresson Art (Av. Callao 1880). Visiting Del Infinito, Colección Alvear, Rubbers, Bb. ID, Espacio Cultural OEI.
*PSGallery (Juan Domingo Perón 690). Visiting Galería NFCA, Espacio de Arte del Centro Médico, Los Vikings, Casa de Entre Ríos.

The night will close with anAfter Gallerylive performance show and DJ setat 8:00 pm atSOLSKEN Av. Quintana 302, sponsored by Stella Artois.

The traditional circuit of Gallery Nights covers from Plaza San Martín to Callao and from Tucumán to Av. del Libertador. Gallery Nights takes place once a month between April and December each year.

This event istotally free of charge.

Maps, participating galleries and more information:Gallery'swebsite.

ArtPast Events 2019

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (13)

The fifteenth edition ofBuenos Aires Photo (BAPhoto), the most important art fair specialized in Photography in Latin America, organized by Arte al Dia Internacional, will take place at La Rural Exhibition Center, fromSeptember 6th through September 8th, 2019.

This exhibition brings together the works from 35 art galleries from Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia, USA, Chile, Venezuela and Peru.

This year's program is divided into several sections:

Main Section:comprised of agroup of pre-selected local and international specialized galleries.
Out of Focus:a project section designed for the exploration of different procedures, languages, and materials that are available to photography.
Links Project:a spacethat strengthens curatorial practices in photography in Argentina.
Wunderkamer:dedicated to heritage photography. It emphasizes the beginnings of photography in its varioustechnological processes and social practices. It also takes on the challenge of putting value in historical photographic material and documentary.
Tijuana Fair: dedicated to promote the contemporary production of photobooks in Latin America.
Fine Art Music Show: a special section of the Fair destined to establish relationships between photography and music.
Out of Box:a new section of the Fair dedicated to photosensitive productions created without the use of a photographic camera.

The Argentine photographerPedro Oterowill be the honored artist this year.

For more information on participating galleries, exhibited works and schedule of lectures and book presentations at the Auditorium ("Auditorio"), visitBuenos Aires Photo 2019official website (in Spanish only).

Dates:September 6, 7, 8 of2019

Location:La Rural. Avenida Sarmiento 2704, Palermo

Opening hours:2 PM to 9 PM

Entry Fees:

General: AR$ 200

University students and pensioners: AR$ 100

ArtExhibitionsPast Events 2019

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (14)

A new edition of the art fair BADA - Boutique de Arte Directo de Artistas, will take place from August 29th to September 1st, 2019, at La Rural Exhibition Center.

The concept of this Contemporary Art Fair is to sell art works "Direct from the artists" in small formats from renowned and emerging artists, without intermediaries, for no more than AR$4000.

Visitors will have the chance to visit the stands of more than 250 artists, meet them in person, and purchase their works at accessible prices.

Each artist must present at least 10 "boutique" small works at a price of up to $4000 Argentine Pesos each, in a variety of techniques that includepainting, drawing, sculpture, textiles, photography, collage, installations, digital art, mosaic, street art.

This is an ideal opportunity for those who want to start an art collection or bring home some original pieces by Argentine artists.

Location: La Rural Exhibition Center, Yellow Pavilion. Av. Sarmiento 2704

Dates: August 29 through September 1, 2019
Opening Hours: 2 pm to 9 pm

General AR$250.
Free pass: AR$450.
Students: AR$150
Children under 12: Free.

More information:

ArtPast Events 2019

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (15)

Gallery, the original circuit for art lovers around art galleries, antique shops, museums and cultural centers, presents a new special edition ofGallery Day,that will take place in the neighborhoods ofPalermo and Villa CrespoonSaturday, August 24th, 2019, from3pm to 7 pm.

The Palermo-Villa Crespo circuit covers the area surrounded by Ravignani, Ramírez de Velazco, Av. Estado de Israel, Gascón, Lavalleja and Plaza Italia, with more than 25 art spaces that will open their doors to show the latest works of their artists.

As always, there will be live music shows, and guests will be welcomed with a complimentary glass of champagne or premium beers. Maps will be provided to the public so they can visit their favorite galleries and exhibitions at their own pace.

Visitors can get information and be oriented about the different self guided routes at these art spaces:
° Casa Rodolfo Walsh (Nicaragua 4441)
° Espacio Ftalo (Gorriti 3864)
° Palermo H (Honduras 5929)

Free guided tour with specialized guides:
° Departure 3.00 pm from Siete de Autor, visiting: Bayle, C.C. Tekeyan, Lumbral, Taller Dartiguelongue.
° Departure 3.00 pm from Palermo H, visiting: Milo Lockett, Blanco Ilusión, Taller Dartiguelongue, Soler Espacio de Arte.
° Departure 3:00 pm from Espacio Ftalo, visiting: La Casa Walsh, Espacio Castro, ArtexArte, Adriana Budich, Espacio ArtePar.

From 7.00 pm at GACHI PRIETO | ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO (Uriarte 1373., closing of the event with a DJ Set and art performance.

This event istotally free of charge.

For maps and information on participating galleries visitGallery Day website.

ArtPast Events 2019

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (16)

The next edition ofGallery Night,the original circuit for art lovers around more than 30 art galleries, museums and cultural centers, will be held onFriday, July 12th, 2019, from6pm to 9 pm, in the neighborhoods ofRetiro, Barrio Norte and Recoleta.


CHECK POINTS:At the following Check Points visitors can get their maps and be oriented by Gallery Nights assistants about the activities and self guided circuits:

*Solsken (Av. Quintana 302)
*Fundación OSDE (Arroyo 807)
*Los Coleccionistas (Libertad 978)

GALLERY TOURS:These are the free guided visits that will be available, lead by a specialist in History of Arts, all starting at 6.00 pm at the following starting points:

*Fundación Osde. VisitingRolf Art, Tango Espacio, Miranda Bosch, Del Infinito and Bresson Art.
*Bresson Art. Visiting Del Infinito, Colección Alvear, Smart Gallery, Fundación OSDE, finishing at Talenta with the After Gallery.
*Galería Arenales. Visiting Fundación Beethoven, Espacio OEI, Los Coleccionistas, Vikings, Galería NFCA.

The night will close with anAfter Gallerylive performance show by DJ Ritmos Rojosat 9:00 pm atTalenta Galeria (San Martín 1109), sponsored by Stella Artois.

The traditional circuit of Gallery Nights covers from Plaza San Martín to Callao and from Tucumán to Av. del Libertador. Gallery Nights takes place once a month between April and December each year.

This event istotally free of charge.

Maps, participating galleries and more information:Gallery'swebsite.

ArtPast Events 2019

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (17)

Gallery, the original circuit for art lovers around art galleries, antique shops, museums and cultural centers, presents a new special edition ofGallery Day,that will take place in the neighborhoods ofPalermo and Villa CrespoonSaturday, June 1st, 2019, from3pm to 7 pm.

The Palermo-Villa Crespo circuit covers the area surrounded by Ravignani, Ramírez de Velazco, Av. Estado de Israel, Gascón, Lavalleja and Plaza Italia., with more than 25 art spaces that will open their doors to show the latest works of their artists.

As always, there will be live music shows, and guests will be welcomed with a complimentary glass of champagne or premium beers. Maps will be provided to the public so they can visit their favorite galleries and exhibitions at their own pace.

Visitors can get information and be oriented about the different self guided routes at these art spaces:
Gachi Prieto Arte Contemporáneo, Uriarte 1373
ARTE X ARTE, Lavalleja 1062
Espacio Soler, Soler 5072

Free guided tour with specialized guides:

° Departure 3.00 pm from Espacio Soler (Soler 5072), visiting: Dain Usina Cultural, Nayart, Lumbral, Centro Cultural Tekeyan, A. Budich, Siete de Autor

° Departure 3.30 pm from Siete de Autor (Gurruchaga 1060), visiting: Budich, Arte x Arte, Espacio Ftalo, Casa R. Walsh, Nayart, Espacio Soler, Cristina Dartiguelongue.

° Departure 4:00 pm from Bolmani Modern Art (Honduras 5550 oficina 202), visiting: Granada Gallery, Gachi Prieto, Nora Fisch, Ruth Benzacar, Finishes at Revolver with an After Gallery.

From 7.00 pm at REVOLVER. Dr. Luis Belaustegui 732, closing of the event with a DJ Set and art performance.

This event istotally free of charge.

For maps and information on participating galleries visitGallery Day website.

ArtExhibitionsPast Events 2019

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (18)

ART&SWAP is the art exhibition where works are exchanged for goods or services. This year's exhibition, called Ciudad Natural will be held from May 17th to May 19th, 2019 at MARQ (Museo de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires - Av. del Libertador 999 @ Callao), with a selection of artworks by Argentinian and Belgian artists, combinming art, nature and architecture.

This original event comes from Brussels, Belgium. Their organizers have decided to replicate the proposal in Argentina with the name of Art&Swap, under the curatorship of Helena Heukeshoven. The event brings together renowned and emerging artists from both countries that exhibit their creations and offer them in exchange for goods or services. Upon entering the exhibition, visitors receive a small Post-it block. Those interested in a work of art leave a note with their proposal of goods or services that are willing to offer in return. At the end of the exhibition, the artist chooses the best offer to exchange for his or her work.

Selected artists:
From Belgium:
Erika Schillebeeckx (Krjst) - Geoffroy Mottart (photo) - Justine de Moriamé (Krjst) - Michel Couturier - Nils Verkaeren.
From Argentina: Agustina Chalupowicz - Agustina Ocampo - Ana Casanova - Andrea Alkalay - Andres Agosin (MONK) - Arturo Aguiar - Belén Càrcano - Blanca Estela Vivas - Carla Melillo - Daniel Juarez - David Sisso - Emma Herbin - Facundo Quinto - Fer Pietra - Guadalupe Fernandez - Guido Chouela - Jaki charrua - Karina Glocker - Lia Porto - Maria Angela Rivero - Maria Ferrari Hardoy - Maria Martha Pichel - Masako Kano - Pablo Noce - Patricia Miani - Paula Cecchi - Raul Steingart - Rosana Schoijett - Rosario Arias Usandivaras - Santiago Azcuy - Sofia Mele - Vivian Galban.


Friday, May 17
6.00 PM - 10.00 PM: Inauguration to the public with tasting of Belgian gastronomic products and live music.
Saturday, May 18
11.00 AM - 7.00 PM: Ciudad Natural Exhibit. Belgian gastronomic food court.
5.30 PM: Cello, guitar and Sax Trio at the Marq (registration online).
Sunday, May 19
11 AM - 7.00 PM: Ciudad Natural Exhibit. Belgian gastronomic food court.
2.00 PM: Performance by Ikebana accompanied by a cello solo by maestro Nestor Tedesco (registration online).

Interventions in the City:
ART&SWAP will also be present at five parks in the City, with interventions by Geoffroy Mottart on six monuments by Belgian sculptors.

Thursday, May 16
10:00 AM: Plaza del Congreso (Av. Entre Rios y Av. Rivadavia). First intervention by Geoffroy Mottart on the Monumento de los dos Congresos (Belgian sculpture Jules Laglae, 1914)
Friday, May 17
10:00 AM: CCK (Viamonte y Leandro N. Alem) Intervention on the monument to Samuel Morse (Belgian sculptor Louis Bruninx, 1915)
11:00 AM: Fine Arts Museum (Av. del Libertador y Av. Pueyrredon). Intervention on the sculptures Reaper and Sower (Belgian sculpture Constantin Meunier, 1896)
Saturday, May 18
10:00 AM: Plaza Bélgica (Ramón Castilla y Alejandro M de Aguado, Palermo). Intervention on the sculpture "Huiselijke zorgen" (Belgian sculptor Rik Wouters, 1913)
11:00 AM: National Library (Aguero 2502). Intervention on the bust of Jose Marmol (Belgian sculptor Louis Bruninx, 1939).

All the events with FREE ENTRANCE to the public.

ArchitectureArtPast Events 2019

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (19)

A new contemporary art festival, Buenos Aires Art Experience (BAAEX), will be held from April 12th to April 15th, 2019, from 3 PM to 9 PM, at the Buenos Aires Race Track, Hipódromo de Palermo, with free entrance to the public.

The Festival will feature Equine Art, Painting, Photography, Performance, Body Painting, Fashion, Drawing, Comics Digital, Multi Media and interactive art, as well as special activities for kids organized by Da Vinci Institute.

More than 150 artists will have the opportunity to promote and showcase their works. A percentage of the sales will be destined to the animal rescue foundation 'Fundación Aliento de Vida Animal'.

On Friday 12th and Monday 15th visitors will also have the chance to attend the horse races of the day.

Location Hipodromo de Palermo: Av. del Libertador y Dorrego.
Free entrance
Not suspended for rain

ArtEquestrianPast Events 2019

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (20)
Plaza Intendente Seeber, Palermo

Taking place from April 8th through April 14th, the Buenos Aires Art Week 2019 will be a unique opportunity for local and international visitors to discover Buenos Aires' art scene through public art exhibitions, installations, performances and events for all audiences. The Art Week includes an interdisciplinary and free program that will be held at the “Semana del Arte Park”, exhibitions and special activities at 30 participating institutions, museums and cultural centers, the program Art Basel Cities: Buenos Aires, the art fair MAPA, and the 28th edition of arteBA art exhibition.

Some of the activities at Semana del Arte Park include:

* Opening event for all public on Tuesday, April 9th, at 6:30 pm, to enjoy live music, food trucks and public art works.

* Five public artworks by Argentine artists Margarita Paksa (presented by Museo Sívori), Marie Orensanz (presented by BIENALSUR), Mariana Telleria (national representative at the Venice Biennale 2019), Luna Paiva (presented by Faena Art and Faena Festival) and Carlos Huffmann (presented by the Arts District).

* An architectural pavilion where several art performances will be presented. The Pavilion, in turn, will function as an information center, a meeting place and headquarters for a daily program of art and thought that includes, among others, guided tours, lectures, trainings and a drawing workshop for works of art for teenagers developed by Clave 13/17 (Recoleta Cultural Center).

* An open-air cinema series on art and culture, developed especially by BAFICI. From Tuesday to Sunday at 9 pm.

* Outdoor guided tours on heritage and contemporary art, from Wednesday to Sunday at 3 pm.

During the Art Week, the Art Basel Cities: Buenos Aires Talk Program will also be held in this special edition in collaboration with arteBA Foundation. Started in 2017, and continued successfully in 2018, the Program of Talks will present a series of dialogues between more than 40 speakers from different parts of the world, representatives of the diversity of voices of the academic community, from April 12th to April 14th. The talks are free and will be held at the Semana del Arte park, and arteBA (La Rural Exhibition Center).

As part of the Buenos Aires Art Week, arteBA, the great Contemporary Art Fair, will take place from April 11th to April 14th at La Rural Exhibition Center. arteBA is the most important art fair of its kind in Latin America, an art exhibition where art galleries display their best artworks, offering the general public the chance to come face to face with truly unique collectors’ pieces. arteBA fair presents its 28th edition with more than 400 artists, represented by more than 80 galleries from more than 25 cities around the world, and new activities and sections.

Location Semana del Arte Park: Plaza Intendente Francisco Seeber (Av Sarmiento & Av. Libertador), Palermo.

Days and times:

Monday, April 8th through Sunday, April 14th, 2019

11:00 am to 10:30 pm


Access and all the activities at Semana del Arte Park are Free.

Free tickets for the activities that will be held at: arteBA, MAPA (Feria de Arte Colección de Arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat), Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, MACBA (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires), MALBA (Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires), Museo Sívori, Museo Xul Solar - can be picked up at the Semana del Arte Park Pavillion from April 8th to April 14th, from 11 am to 3 pm.

*Limited daily stock. Up to 2 tickets per person per day.

For more information on venues, activities and daily schedules you can download the full program through this link (in Spanish only)

ArtExhibitionsPast Events 2019

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (21)
Bellas Artes - Fine Arts Museum

The Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires presents the 15th Edition ofLa Noche de los Museos- Museum Night 2018, that will take place onSaturday November 10th, 2018, from 8 PM until 3 AM.

Every year since 2004 one Saturday night the museums of Buenos Aires stay open all night offering different cultural activities,all of them free of charge, in the same way as in other 130 cities around the world.

Over 280 museums and art spaces all across the city will be participating in this edition. During this special night visitors will be able to enjoy free guided visits, special exhibitions, as well as conferences, shows, theater performances, dance, screenings, video, multimedia, and diverse concerts of classical music, jazz, tango, folk, and rock.

More than 80 bus lines will offer free rides during the night, presenting the Free Pass that can be printed through thislink.

For more information and complete program, visitLa Noche de los Museosofficial website or download thefull program and Mapin PDF or the App for smartphones (sites in Spanish only).

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (22)
Museo Fernandez Blanco

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (23)

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (24)
Museo de Ciencias Naturales - Natural History Museum

ArtPast Events 2018

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (25)

The next edition ofGallery Nights,the original circuit for art lovers around more than 30 art galleries, museums and cultural centers, will be held onFriday, October 5th, 2018, from6pm to 9 pm, in the neighborhoods ofRetiro, Barrio Norte and Recoleta.


CHECK POINTS:At the following Check Points visitors can get their maps and be oriented by Gallery Nights assistants about the activities and self guided circuits:

* Solsken (Av. Quintana 302)
* Espacio Cabutia (Arenales 1239 PB H)
* Hotel Panamericano (Av. Carlos Pellegrini 551)

GUIDED VISITS:These are the guided visits that will be available, lead by a specialist in History of Arts, all starting at 6.30 pm:

Solsken(Av. Quintana 302). Visit to: Zurbarán, Smart Gallery, Colección A. de Zurbarán
Rubbers, Del Infinito, Hilda Solano, finishing at the After Gallery.

Espaio Cabutia(Arenales 1239 PB H ). Visit to: Tango Espacio de Arte, Sr. Mor, Fundación Klemm, Henri´s Gallery and Aldo de Sousa.

Hotel Panamericano(Carlos Pellegrini 551). Visit to: Fundación Osde, Casa de Entre Ríos, Cre- Arte, El Mensú, Colegio de Abogados.

The night will close with anAfter Gallerylive performance show and DJ Setat 9:00 pm atEspacio Bresson (Av. Callao 1880), sponsored by Stella Artois.

The traditional circuit of Gallery Nights covers from Plaza San Martín to Callao and from Tucumán to Av. del Libertador. Gallery Nights is organized by the art magazine Arte al Día once a month between April and December each year.

This event istotally free of charge.

Maps, participating galleries and more information:Gallery Nightswebsite.

ArtPast Events 2018

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (26)

The National Museum of Fine Arts (Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes) presents, for the first time in Argentina, an extraordinary exhibition of works by Joseph Mallord William Turner from the Tate Collection of London. Curated by David Blayney Brown, it brings together 85 watercolours from various periods of his creative life. The works will remain in exhibition from September 26th, 2018 through February 17th, 2019.

Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775–1851), a master of history, landscape and marine painting, has been described by John Ruskin as the ‘father of modern art’.After J.M.W. Turner’s death in 1851, the contents of his studio became the property of the English nation, being mostly housed today at Tate Britain Gallery in London. It is one of the largest, most revealing collections of a single artist’s work in existence,comprising around 30,000 works of art on paper, including watercolours, drawings and 300 oil paintings. Most works in the Bequest are unfinished pieces or preparatory studies.

The selection from the Bequest exhibited in Buenos Aires allows us to look at Turner's progress from his conventional beginnings as a topographical and architectural draughtsman, to his embrace of an extraordinary range of subject matters. A small group of finished watercolours accompany the exhibition to show the public the real impact of Turner’s production.

Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes: Av. del Libertador 1473, Recoleta

Opening Hours:
Tuesday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Saturdays and Sundays, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Closed Mondays

Admission to the Museum is free of charge.

Admission to Turner's temporary exhibition: $ 100 Argentine Pesos.

Admission free for: children under 12, retirees, Disabled visitors, and educational groups.

Admission to the Exhibition is free for everyone on Tuesday.

ArtExhibitionsPast Events 2019

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (27)

The fourteenth edition ofBuenos Aires Photo (BAPhoto), the most important art fair specialized in Photography in Latin America, will take place at La Rural Exhibition Center, fromSeptember 7th through September 9th, 2018.

This exhibition brings together the works from more than 30 art galleries from Argentina and different countries.

This year's program is divided into several sections:

Main Section:comprised of agroup of pre-selected local and international specialized galleries.
Out of Focus:a project section designed for the exploration of different procedures, languages, and materials that are available to photography.
Link Project:a spacethat strengthens curatorial practices in photography in Argentina.
Wunderkamer:dedicated to heritage photography. It emphasizes the beginnings of photography in its varioustechnological processes and social practices. It also takes on the challenge of putting value in historical photographic material and documentary.
Photobook Tijuana: dedicated to promote the contemporary production of photobooks in Latin America.
Fine Art Music Show: a new section of the Fair destined to establish relationships between photography and music, with Roberta Bayley as guest artist.

The Argentine photographerPepe Fernandezwill be the honored artist this year.

For more information on participating galleries, exhibited works and schedule of lectures ("Auditorio"), visitBuenos Aires Photo 2018official website (in Spanish only).

Dates:September 7, 8, 9 of2018

Location:La Rural. Avenida Sarmiento 2704, Palermo

Opening hours:2 PM to 9 PM

Entry Fees:

General: AR$ 180

University students and pensioners: AR$ 90

ArtPast Events 2018

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (28)
Usina del Arte - Planetarium - Cerveceria Munich

Taking place from September 6 to 12, 2018, the Art Basel Cities Week in Buenos Aires will be a unique opportunity for local and international visitors to discover the Buenos Aires' art scene through public art exhibitions, installations, performances and events across the Argentine capital, a multilayered experience that connects visual arts, urban spaces and the city’s histories in unexpected ways, accompanied by a Cultural Partner Program organized with over 20 of the city's leading arts institutions and a Talks Program of over 30 Artist Talks and Masterclasses.

Taking place across the neighborhoods of La Boca, Puerto Madero-Costanera Sur and Palermo-Recoleta, this year’s program is titled 'Hopscotch (Rayuela)', borrowing its name from the groundbreaking 1963 novel by Argentine writer Julio Cortázar. The novel follows a non-linear narrative that can be read in multiple sequences, jumping from chapter to chapter, as suggested by the title inspired by the ancient children’s street game popular in many cultures. Like the book and the game, the public art program hopscotches through the city, shaping possible journeys and different paths through urban space, creating unexpected connections between sites and artworks. Through this exploration of the city, local audiences and international visitors alike will discover neverseen-before venues and forgotten landmarks that will host artworks realized specifically for the Art Basel Cities Week, from sitespecific sculptures and experiential installations to live performances and participatory actions. Artists have been commissioned to create works that will function as platforms for different encounters with art against the unique background of the city of Buenos Aires.

Alongside 'Hopscotch', Art Basel Cities Week will present a cultural partner program of exhibitions, performances and special events at the city's leading museums, foundations, associations and non-profit organizations. Click hereto download the complete map.

Events highlights:

Opening event: Thursday September 6, 9.30 pm at Plaza Sicilia (Av. del Libertador, between Av. Sarmiento and República de la India)

Lunar Party: Saturday September 8, 11.00 pm at the National Library, Agüero 2502.

Closing Party: Wednesday September 12, 5.00 pm at Cervecería Munich, Av. de los Italianos 851, Costanera Sur.

Coinciding with Art Basel Cities Week, arteBA Foundation and Meridiano, the Argentine Chamber of Art Galleries, in collaboration with the Government of the City of Buenos Aires are launching the very first Gallery Weekend Buenos Aires (GWBA) on September 7, 8 and 9. Spread throughout the three cultural circuits of Recoleta-Retiro, Palermo-Villa Crespo-Chacarita and La Boca-San Telmo, GWBA will offer a special program of exhibitions in more than 40 galleries, visits to artists’ studios, performances, and art talks. Further information can be found here.

Info Points:

From September 6 to 12, from 10 am to 7 pm, visitors will be able to get information and directions at the following info points:

1. Palermo/Recoleta: Plaza República del Perú - Av. Figueroa Alcota & Salguero, next to MALBA museum

2. Costanera Sur/Puerto Madero: Plaza Fuerza Aérea, Av. del Libertador 50

3. La Boca, en Av. Don Pedro de Mendoza 1890

All the activities are free of charge.

For more information visit Art Basel Cities official website.

ArtPast Events 2018

My Buenos Aires Travel Guide (29)

Gallery, the original circuit for art lovers around art galleries, antique shops, museums and cultural centers, presents a new special edition ofGallery Day,that will take place in the neighborhoods ofPalermo and Villa CrespoonSaturday, September 1st, 2018, from3pm to 7 pm.

The Palermo-Villa Crespo circuit covers the area surrounded by Ravignani, Ramírez de Velazco, Av. Estado de Israel, Gascón, Lavalleja and Plaza Italia, with more than 25 art spaces that will open their doors to show the latest works of their artists.

As always, there will be live music shows, and guests will be welcomed with a complimentary glass of champagne or premium beers. Maps will be provided to the public so they can visit their favorite galleries and exhibitions at their own pace.

Visitors can get information and be oriented about the different self guided routes at these art spaces:
° ADRIANA BUDICH - Gurruchaga 1145
° CASA O - Oro 2248
° TALLERES COSTA RICA - Costa Rica 4684, timbre 8

Free guided tour with specialized guides:

° Departure 3.30 pm from ADRIANA BUDICH: Gurruchaga 1145
Visit to: 7 DE AUTOR: Gurruchaga 1060, CENTRO CULTURAL TEKEYÁN: Armenia 1329, ARTE X ARTE: Lavalleja 1062, LAURA LAMBRE: Gorriti 4187, EL BLANCO: Gascón 1437, Finishes at ESPACIO FTALO with an After Gallery. Gorriti 3864 (between Salguero and Medrano)

° Departure 3.30 pm from GALERÍA UNION: Costa Rica 5929
Visit to: PALERMO. H. Honduras 5929, BMA- BOLMANI MODERN ART: Honduras 5550, MILO LOCKETT: Cabrera 5507, ATELIER AGUIRRE: Aguirre 1551 2º 4, RUTH BENZACAR: J. R. de Velasco 1287, ESPACIO ARTE PAR: Thames 808, Villa Crespo, GALERIA NORA FISCH: Av. Córdoba 5222

° Departure 4.30 pm from CASA O: Oro 2248
Visit to: TALLER C. DARTIGUELONGUE: Oro 2246, ESPACIO SOLER: Soler 5072, DAIN USINA CULTURAL: Nicaragua 4899, TALLERES COSTA RICA: Costa Rica 4684, timbre 8, EL BLANCO: Gascón 1437, Finishes at ESPACIO FTALO with an After Gallery. Gorriti 3864 (between Salguero and Medrano)

From 7.30 pm at ESPACIO FTALO. Gorriti 3864 (between Salguero and Medrano), closing of the event with a performance byMario Astutti with DJ set live.

This event istotally free of charge.

For maps and information on participating galleries visitGallery Day website.

ArtPast Events 2018

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.